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Connections that Make a Difference

Online and offline, in today’s world we are called to connect.  Connecting with old friends, new colleagues – connecting world cultures and connecting beyond social differences. Our world is socially networked, and it has the potential to make or break us.

More and more we hear of artificial intelligence users popping up on the applications and websites we frequent daily. Whether it’s totally cryptic and unseen, in the form of targeted ads, or a poll that you have been specially selected for, we are constantly being surveyed. The tools we use pay attention to what we prefer and adapt accordingly. 

Surely it’s unsettling to most people, but the fact is that it’s a successful model. Huge corporations are trying to take over the healthcare and insurance fields with the same kinds of technology. Automated voice systems aren’t exclusive to phone calls anymore. Imagine you are in your living room, asking a smart speaker for a diagnosis on your human body, and as you are describing your symptoms, the bot responds with, “Sorry, I didn’t catch that…” All jokes aside, this isn’t too far-fetched.

The truth is, you are never going to get the care and attention you need with electronic devices. They can provide efficiency and accessibility and instant gratification, but they tend to break apart the bonds that connect us together as people, while distracting us with less meaningful junk in the process. Investing in high performance and compromising the operation system that drives us – our heart and our purpose – inevitably could have very painful social consequences.

The personalized service coming from skilled people is becoming invaluable. Connecting with someone you can relate to has become the direct contrast to these robotic services. Qualified specialists who understand real life experiences and have the resources to solve problems creatively rather than by a formula or program is the treatment we deserve so that we can take care of our actual lives beyond bills and paperwork, and focus on the connections that really make a difference.

Humans are wired to operate with a sense of community, compassion, and collaboration. It is in our nature to connect and it is our expertise here at Highpoint to care for our clients with a servant’s heart. We believe you’re better off with us than without us. Our social connection and presence represents our collective diverse and energetic group personality. We are proud to share that with the world, with the intention that we’ll attract great people who trust great people.

~ Sydney Pseudonym~