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Believe Every Commitment Has Value

During our October Recognition Monday meeting, Monique Mosley was asked to speak about one of Highpoint’s Fundamental Behaviors. She spoke on the principle of “believe every commitment has value.”
Recognition Monday is a companywide meeting held each month to recognize employee achievements, celebrate our wins, and refocus our team on the agency’s annual goals.
Monique’s talk is relatable and reminds us that success is in the follow through!
Read it below:


Little ones, big ones, those you extend, those you receive. When you make a commitment, you commit to navigate any obstacles that arise – to find a way around or through them. You never step over or ignore commitments that you haven’t kept; each time you do, you chink away the trust others have in your ability to do what you say you’re going to do. When you make a commitment, it’s important that you discern whether or not it forwards what you and our company are up to.

Honoring  your commitments simply means keeping your promises. It means doing what you say you’re going to do when you say your going to do it. It means respecting other peoples’ time and work as you respect your own.

When people think of keeping commitments they always tend to think of keeping commitments others, but what about the commitments you make to yourself and NEVER keep. Take me for example. I always tell Jamie that we are going to get back in the gym and every week another obstacle has gotten in the way. Whether it be family, work, or just plain ol’ life being life, it can be easy to break a commitment. I have broken the promise I made to myself  and disrespected Jamie’s time were she has written out a workout and moved her schedule around to help me. Although it can be easy to give into distractions and obstacles, it is so much more rewarding to stay disciplined and seek out the value from your commitment. So remember when keeping commitments to others, it is also important to keep commitments to yourself.