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Share Information

During our November Recognition Monday meeting, Mallory Cardner was asked to speak about one of Highpoint’s Fundamental Behaviors. She spoke on the principle of “share information.”
Recognition Monday is a companywide meeting held each month to recognize employee achievements, celebrate our wins, and refocus our team on the agency’s annual goals.
Mallory’s talk is a reminder that we all have room to grow and we all have something valuable to bring to the table!
Read it below:

Margaret Fuller once said, “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.”

It’s no secret we work in an industry that is constantly evolving. It’s in this environment that a constant willingness to learn is critical to our agency’s success. Be approachable, be teachable, and understand that what held true a year ago might not hold true today. When someone is making an effort to teach you, remember to assume positive intent and view it as an opportunity to better yourself both personally and professionally. Someone coming to teach you something is not an attempt to demean or berate you- it is their way of showing they care enough about your success to pour into you.

On the flip side, a willingness to teach must also exist. When our success depends on our ability to perform according to the most current standards, sharing knowledge can be the difference between managing a successful insurance program and facing an E&O claim. We are lucky to work with team members that come from all backgrounds with varying experience levels. Be the reason someone newer to insurance is able to level up. Not only will you learn through teaching others, that person will grow as a result of your knowledge which only benefits our Highpoint family.

Beyond insurance, we work with an incredible team of leaders and mentors. We are given a unique opportunity to grow not only professionally, but also personally. None of us are perfect, but when we have the humility to learn from those who have walked in our footsteps and have persevered through life’s many curveballs, we create space to become better human beings overall. Maybe you struggle with staying positive or organized, or if you’re like me, maybe you struggle with change. Instead of beating yourself up over the things you want to improve, look to those around you who excel in that area and pay close attention to what they’re doing differently. Shift your mindset, take ownership of your goals, and allow those around you to inspire positive change.

When we share knowledge and teach those around us, we empower them to grow, and we empower our agency to grow. When we do our best to absorb knowledge from those around us, we give ourselves the opportunity to level up in ways we may not have thought possible. Teach others. Be teachable. Soak up all of the information you can and then pass that information along to the next person. Breathe in and breathe out.