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Speaking Straight

Today we will be discussing one of the five core practices of the Collaborative Way “Speaking Straight.”

A lot of people feel they have mastered this practice, but did they really? The purpose of speaking straight is you are speaking in a manner that contributes to what you are trying to accomplish. Make clear and direct request. Say what you mean and be willing to answer questions. Share ideas but also be willing to listen to ideas as well. Speaking Straight It is not meant to be used to demean someone or give you the authority to attack someone. You want to solve a problem rather than simply make a point.

1. Speaking Up

One of the fundamental principles of The Collaborative Way is the importance of speaking up. It encourages individuals to voice their thoughts, concerns, and ideas openly and honestly. This creates an environment where everyone’s input is valued and considered, leading to richer discussions and better decision-making.

2. Honest and Forward Communications

Honesty is the bedrock of effective communication. When you speak straight from The Collaborative Way, you commit to being truthful and transparent. This honesty fosters trust among team members and reduces misunderstandings, laying the foundation for strong and enduring relationships.

3. Clear and Direct Requests

Ambiguity can hinder progress and create confusion. In The Collaborative Way, communication is about making clear and direct requests. By stating your needs and expectations explicitly, you empower others to respond effectively. This clarity helps streamline processes and eliminates unnecessary guesswork.

4. Rigorous Discernment for Successful Implementation

The Collaborative Way encourages rigorous discernment, which means carefully evaluating ideas, proposals, and decisions before implementing them. This approach ensures that only the most viable and well-thought-out solutions are put into action, leading to more successful outcomes in the long run.

5. Willingness to Be Uncomfortable

Effective communication often requires stepping outside your comfort zone. The Collaborative Way acknowledges that constructive conversations can sometimes be uncomfortable. However, it’s in these moments of discomfort that growth and progress often occur. Embracing discomfort allows for necessary discussions and helps teams address issues head-on.


How can you practice speaking straight?

  • Take the time to think about your approach thoroughly and plan the tough conversation.
  • Get some coaching.
  • Check your tone.
  • Listen generously to the other party’s response.
  • Before you begin the conversation make sure you are clear of your intentions.
  • Mean what you say.
  • Doing it in private, calling out others can be demeaning.

In conclusion, speaking straight from The Collaborative Way is a powerful approach to communication that fosters openness, honesty, and clarity. By embracing these principles, you can create an environment where all voices are heard, trust is built, and decisions are made with careful consideration. While it may require some discomfort initially, the long-term benefits of improved communication and collaboration are well worth the effort. So, why not give it a try and see how speaking straight from The Collaborative Way can transform your interactions and relationships for the better?