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Triumph Over Giants

The book David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell draws a perfect metaphor for Highpoint Insurance Group.

It is good to be bigger and stronger than your opponent. It is not so good to be so big and strong that you are a sitting duck for a rock fired at 150 miles per hour.

As an independently owned agency, we have the agility to make decisions and take risks without waiting for approval from five tiers of managers and leaders. We are swift. We can customize and mobilize when the time is right, not restrained to the time frame of large corporate approval.

There can be greater value in being part of a smaller category than joining the big guys in the crowd.

Just because there are plenty of successful businesses in a certain field doesn’t mean you have to follow their lead. We choose a smaller niche to innovate our business, so our customers get more attention and personalized service, and our employees get more care and growth opportunities. We would rather be a big fish in a small pond and stand out, rather than stick with the status quo.

The powerful and strong are not always what they seem.

Many large companies have their eyes set on self-serving goals like the bottom line. They may even place their priorities for revenue over service to their clients. At Highpoint, our heart is for giving. We give back to the community, give first-class service to all of our clients, and share this culture with our coworkers. We are honest about who we are.

Although we may be perceived as an “underdog,” That is not the case… it is just misinterpreted. We have an advantage that cannot be seen in our physical size. It is in our strategy, brain, and hearts that make us the GIANTS!